


What is HLC?


Hosted sites

Nothing is free. Except those gift baggies you get at store Grand Openings and the candy on October 31st. This web site costs money to run. The owners have put forth the money so you and your friends can come here to relax, check out some mods and talk it up on our message boards. If you feel the need or want to support this community please feel free to donate. Any donation helps, be it five dollars or ten dollars. It all helps pay the bills. Make no mistake, the money goes towards this web site and not anybody's pocket. This is one place you can donate where you can see the progress that is made in your donation. The other is your National Blood Donor service which we fully support. Check them out too. If you're in the US, they pay you at the clinics I believe when you give blood. Some of that money could come here :-)

We are not begging nor are we in financial danger, but you can help keep us away from future problems that may arise from "Unforeseen Consequences". Remember that there will be perks and benefits to those people that donate and will have a large say in what goes on here at HLC. See some of the perks available to donators below, more will follow as we can offer them. If you donate and then another perk becomes available, you will receieve that perk without having to donate again.Thank you for your consideration.


  • A special "Donator" rank on the forums with a Private Area for all donators.
  • Have a say on what goes on with the web site. Participate in closed votes for new features and ideas. Also, present your own in the Private Donator section of the forums.
  • An entry on the "Donators" page in recognition of your charity, on the main site with a link to your web site, be it hosted by us or not..

If you are considering a donation, please, when you donate include your email or forum username so we can correctly identify you for your perks!



