“ ...too much fun working with the community since the day we opened. ” |
Hey folks I’m Thomas (Editor321). I started Half-Life Creations with James in 2007 and its been too much fun working with the community since the day we opened. My history begins in design back in 2001-2002 when I started working on Day of Defeat and learning the ins and outs of custom content. I moved on to work on Opposing Force: Redux and Heart of Evil: Napalm Edition. I tinker in very basic model and skin work but love working with sounds, video and web design. Oddly enough I cannot code a game or skin a model very well but I can build good websites, this new design sadly wasn’t one of them. I hope you enjoy your stay at HLC and if you would like hosting for your project, let James or I know. |
Report in at thomas@half-lifecreations.com! |
“ ...I'm too terrible at everything to learn modern tech. ” |
Hi. I'm James (or Minuit). I'm an old-school Half-Life 1 modder. In other words, I'm too terrible at everything to learn modern tech. It's too hard and I'm too fat. I've worked on a number of GoldSrc (and a few Source) projects, with my current mod, Cry of Fear, taking up most of my time lately. I've been involved in the Half-Life community for about 8 years, but I think I've lost count. I can be contacted via private message on the HLC forums if you have any (non-stupid) questions. I'll be glad to answer. |
Free meat at james@half-lifecreations.com! |
“ ...you will often find me drawing underaged 2D girls on things... ” |
Despite the provided visual reference, I am not a sentry gun. I am a graphic designer that make spiffy looking things. This website is one of them! Adventures In Space Folding is the name of my home on the internet. Although I can take on tasks such as web design, programming and I don't really get along, so I enjoy doing other things such as prints, books and even photography. My interest in game design started with the goldsource engine, creating content like levels, skins and even interfaces for games ranging from Half-Life to Counter-Strike. Outside of Valve games, you will often find me drawing underaged 2D girls on things like cars and jets. Making lots of spiffy looking things is fun, unfortunately I am not capable of finshing things I start working on. |
Guaranteed death at anonanon@half-lifecreations.com or vonthora@gmail.com! |