ꜝ INX-Gaming says...

Five years as a GSP, and providing game servers! So what makes us different to the other thousands of cheap gaming hosts promising the world? Instead of just telling you about us and our clan servers, like every other game server provider does, we're going to tell you (and in lots of cases, show you) what makes us different. Please, pull up a comfy chair, pour yourself a beer, cup of coffee, hot chocolate... whatever you're allowed... and we'll try not to bore the socks off you!


Why Us

For those of you with lots of questions, we'll tell you exactly what you get from us, and show you what you are probably missing out on right now with your current provider!

Our Setup

All about the premium hardware we use, our network and typical server specifications. Check out the two sections below for loads of pics!

INX Control Panel

We are so proud of our unique gameserver control panel, we feel it deserves a page of its own. We've included a tour with loads of pictures to show you how it works.

Take a Network Tour

Pictures tell a thousand words, so why not take a network tour? We've taken juicy photos of our servers and network for your enjoyment (well... whatever lights your candle!).

We are real!

Want to know that we're not a 9 year old kid running servers from mum's shed? I don't blame you! We've put together a company information page including director biographies.